quinta-feira, setembro 07, 2006

Tinha apagado o post, e depois pensei: bom, mas todos sabem que há momentos (aos quais o meu pai se refere como "momentary lapses of reason") em que exageramos as coisas... portanto voltei a postá-lo. Exageração ou não, ele foi pensado e foi escrito por algum motivo, por isso cá fica.

- Harry, look. Here's the problem. I really like you.

- I really like you.

- Yeah, but I "love you" like you. I do. I love you.

- I think we should consider... maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves.

- Do you?

- Yeah.

- I am like the dumb girl who doesn't get it. I've never been the dumb girl before. It ain't great.

- Let's just calm down. I had these plans before I even met you. I mean, I do like seeing you. I do.

- Yeah.

- I'm always surprised by it.

- Surprised by it. What was I thinking?

- I have never lied to you. I have always told you some version of the truth.

- The truth doesn't have versions, okay?

- Will you cut me a little slack? My life has been turned upside down.

- Mine too!

- Well, then let's just each get our bearings.

- I don't want my bearings. I've had my bearings my whole goddamn life. I felt something with you that I never really knew existed. Do you know what that's like, after a year marriage... to feel something for another person that is so...? That... Right. Right. Not your problem. God. Do you know that I've written this, but I never... really got it. Do you know what this is?

- No.

- This is heartbroken. How's that for impervious?

- You're killing me.

- I just wish that it had lasted more than a week.

- Me too.

- That is a terrible thing to say. You know, the life I had before you... I knew how to do that. I could do that forever. But now look at me. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do with all this?

É que acontece sempre uma vez na vida em que somos as "dumb girl who don't get it".
Por vezes a culpa é nossa. Por vezes a culpa é deles.
Facto é que eu, como a Erica Barry, hoje sinto-me um pouco a miúda burra... e de facto, it ain't that great.
Mas, a minha postura ZEN, que decidi adoptar (porque o sistema Anémona falhou à grande), faz-me achar que estou a ser exagerada e paranóica. Portanto, pensamento positivo.
"O meu pensamento de hoje, pode afectar o meu amanhã..." (mas alguém acredita mesmo nestas merdas?)

3 Estrunfes que tentaram tirar o protagonismo:

  • Gostei!

    Mas Shoo, às vezes essas «merdas» podem resultar. :)


    By Blogger pmjgomes, at 08 setembro, 2006 13:38  

  • Poooooooooois, diz que sim... Realmente nesse dia resultou! Tanto é que no dia seguinte, já estava toda Zen, Happy with life e tal e tal... acho que o truque em efardar-me de sushi e toca andar (ou será do saké, nunca percebo muito bem :-P) eheheheh

    By Blogger Sari, at 08 setembro, 2006 17:45  

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